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SITA Contact Center Advanced Services

One-stop-shop contact center access in the cloud, with full collaboration features and a light footprint, browser-based management and, reporting client. Easy to adopt, it can be up and running in a few days.

 Increase efficiency with new technology

Increase efficiency with new technology

SITA Contact Center Advanced Services are customized to your needs. We can either build on your existing infrastructure or start from scratch. SITA has extensive experience providing contact center services helping customers to improve operational efficiency, and provide a more personalized service to your clients.

average cost reduction
Remove the burden of managing multiple providers

Remove the burden of managing multiple providers

Only SITA delivers a complete end-to-end contact center solution designed explicitly for the air transport industry (ATI). SITA Contact Center Advanced Services are integrated, covering all contact center elements from a single provider. Our global presence with a single point of contact will help with everything from consultancy and design to delivery and maintenance.

Automate agent activities and increase productivity

Automate agent activities and increase productivity

Manage your irregular events and traffic spikes using SITA’s network. With our online managed conditional routing, you can qualify your incoming calls before being routed to their final destination. Filter your customer calls with our self-service, automated call processing solution, and never miss a call again.

Supported by SITA Global Services

SITA Contact Center Advanced Services is supported by SITA Global Services (SGS), which provides global business continuity through a flexible service model. Our monitoring service ensures your IT systems are reliable and available, around the clock and around the world. Our experts proactively monitor your infrastructure, identifying and resolving problems before they impact your business.

Next steps about SITA Contact Center Advanced Services


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